Semantic Linking. Presented at the 23rd International Conference of the Department of Linguistics, Universtity Bucharest. (slides)
with Dolf Rami: Fictional modifiers and (non-)existence entailing predicates. Presented at the workshop Fiktion und Wirklichkeit, Ruhr-University Bochum.
with Dolf Rami: Existence as a property of individual concepts and existence entailing predicates. Presented at the workshop Higher-Order Theories of Existence: From Kant to Reyle, Dortmund.
Formal semantics for (non-)existence entailing predicates (joint work with Dolf Rami). Presented at the workshop The Existential Import of Singular and General Propositions, Göttingen.
(Non-)Existence entailments of predicates (joint work with Dolf Rami). Presented in the semantics colloquium, University of Frankfurt.
Multi-domain semantics and three types of arguments slots (joint work with Dolf Rami). Presented in the Research Colloquium Philosophy of Language, Logic, and Information, Ruhr-University Bochum.
Transparent Negation in Dynamic Semantics. Presented in the research project The typology of cumulativity, Humboldt University Berlin. (slides)
Transparent Negation in Dynamic Semantics. Presented in the semantics colloquium, University of Frankfurt. (slides)
Transparent Negation in Dynamic Semantics. Presented in the Research Colloquium Philosophy of Language, Logic, and Information, Ruhr-University Bochum. (slides)
A single determiner for anaphoric and non-anaphoric definite descriptions. Presented in the semantics colloquium, University of Oslo. (slides)
with Sarah Zobel: Two types of existential quantification. Presented in the semantics colloquium, University of Frankfurt. (slides)
Transparent Negation: Retroactive Specification and zilch. Presented in the semantics colloquium, University of Frankfurt. (slides)
How to trivialize uniqueness. Presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 24, University of Osnabrück. (slides)
A single definite article: How to trivialize the uniqueness condition. Presented in the linguistics' colloquium, University of Vienna.
Rückwärtsschauende Operatoren und kompositionelle Semantik. Presented in the Mittelbaukolloquium, department of philosophy, Georg-August-University Göttingen. (slides)
A novel account of Novelty (and a familiar account of Familiarity). Presented in the Linguistics colloquium of the english department, Georg-August-University Göttingen. (slides)
What it takes to be unique. Presented in the philosophical colloquium, Ruhr-University Bochum.
On Definite Descriptions. Presented in Dolf Rami’s Colloquium Philosophisches Denken, Georg-August-University Göttingen.
On individuating contexts. Presented at the workshop Reference determination: Literal and non-literal uses of referring expressions of the annual DGfS meeting in Stuttgart. (slides)
(Existential) Presuppositions of Quantifiers and (E-Type) Pronouns. Presented in the Linguistics colloquium of the english department, Georg-August-University Göttingen.
Varieties of dependencies. Presented in Katharina Hartmann’s Colloquium, University of Vienna.
Rami, Dolf and Köpping, Jan: "Three types of existential entailments in a multi-domain semantics", Grazer Philosophische Studien 100:4, 467-522. (
Köpping, Jan: The individual parameter. PhD-Dissertation, Goethe-University, Frankfurt. (
Köpping, Jan and Zimmermann, Thomas Ede: "Looking backwards in type logic", Inquiry 64: 5-6, pp. 646-672. Published online 13 Nov. 2018. ( )
Köpping, Jan and Zimmermann, Thomas Ede: "Variables vs. Parameters in the Interpretation of Natural Language", in: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, ed. by Maki Sakamoto, Naoaki Okazaki, Koji Mineshima, and Ken Satoh, Springer, pp. 164-181. (
Köpping, Jan: "How to trivialze uniqueness", Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24, Vol. 1, ed. by Michael Franke, Nikola Kompa, Mingya Liu, Jutta L. Mueller, and Juliane Schwab, Osnabrück/Berlin: Osnabrück University/Humboldt University Berlin, pp. 429-446. (
Gutzmann, Daniel; Köpping, Jan; and Meier, Cécile: "Composition, values, and interpretation: An introduction to elements of semantic theory". In: Approaches to Meaning: Composition, Values, and Interpretation, edited by Gutzmann, Daniel; Köpping, Jan; and Meier, Cécile, Leiden/Boston: Brill, pp. 1-21. (